
The medical specialty that deals with the human foot is known by the terms chiropody and podiatry. Podiatry is another name for the study of the foot and ankle, and it refers to a collection of fluid in these body parts. Unless there is damage, the formation of liquid is usually not painful. Because of gravity, the lower body is usually where swelling is most noticeable. Foot and lower leg swelling can be caused by a variety of factors. Nema frequently results from certain lifestyle factors, like having a weight problem. Gaining weight can lower blood flow, which makes liquid build up in the lower limbs, legs, and feet.

  • Podiatric Surgery
  • Podiatric sports medicine
  • Dermatological podiatrist
  • Gerontological podiatrist
  • Diabetic limb salvage and wound care
  • Podopediatrics
  • Forensic Podiatry

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